New Wine Christian Fellowship, Martham

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These are our online sermons and Audio messages

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Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The power of your thoughts and words - part 3 our words Debbie 21st July 2024 41.26 MB
Part 3 - our words
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The power of your thoughts & words (part 2) :- our attitude Debbie 16th June 2024 48.61 MB
Part 2 of talk
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
God speaks, are we listening? Am I a God listener? Andrew Scott 25th February 2024 40.41 MB
Lenten reflection - video Psalm 27 - video Be still and know that I am God - Ps 46 v 10 Exodus 33 v21 & 22, Ps 27 v 1-6. v1 chose to focus on God, not on the circumstances. Ps 119 v 130 - revelation light. What are your fears? v 2 & 3 - Delivered from enemies & fears. None of these are from God. v4 - baqos - seek to secure/strive after. Living/alive in God's presence. God's beauty/splendor is ? (Ps 96 v 9 ) v5 - protection & security. sap - hide from evil, protect, guard - Ps 91 v 4, 1 Cor 10 v 3 & 4. Build your house on the Rock (Jesus). v6 -Victory Celebration. Heb 13 v 15 - Praise, worship, thanksgiving. 1 John 5 v 4, 1 Cor 15v 57
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Change & Transformation Andrew Scott 14th January 2024 42.93 MB
By the power of God, His Word, His Son, His Holy Spirit. (all readings from The Passion Translation) Acts 8:1,3 Acts 9:1-2, 3-9 A personal encounter with Jesus leads to ....transformation. - Luke 8:17 1) Transformed by the power of the word - Mark 4:20 2) When our hearts are transformed, then our behaviour is changed - Luke 19:8-10 3) The transforming power of Christ's love and compassion - John 8:4,5,7,9,10 and Acts 3:19 4) Transformed by the Holy Spirit - Romans 12:2 and 2 Cor 3:18 (NIV) Are we ready to walk, day by day, under God's (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), holy and powerful, transformation - Isaih 51:3
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Living Boldly Under God's Favour Andrew Scott 7th January 2024 45.48 MB
Acts 7 verse 1 - 7 - God's abundant promises Also Acts 4:24 (from last week) God's promises and us James 2:19, Malachi 3:6a, Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2, Ecclesiastes 5:4-7, Psalms 119:122-123, 1 Peter 3:8-9, Do note though Isaiah 49:1-3
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Is Temptation a gift you might open Andrew Scott 3rd December 2023 44.88 MB
James 1 v 13-17 Frequent/typical temptations - gossip, judging, gambling. alcohol, food, materialism, over indulgence, greed, negativism. Purpose of temptation - to draw you away from God. Purpose of testing - to build up your faith, see where you are. Verses 14-16 - see also 1 Peter 5 v 8-9, 2 Peter 2 v14 Verse 17a - see Romans 8 v 28, Matt 7 v11, 1 Cor 13 v 8-11. Verse 17b - see Psalm 136 v 7-9, Gen 1 v 3-4, Rev 22 v 5.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Pneuma and Ruach Andrew Scott 26th November 2023 43.07 MB
The Breath of True Life Within Us. 1. Galatians 5 v 25 2. Psalm 143 v 10 ( Col 3 v 16a, Isaiah 40 v 3-4, John 14 v 15-17) 3. 1 Cor 12 v 1-11 - Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Youth for Christ camp @ Sizewell Sophie & Victoria 3rd September 2023 37 MB
Precis of youth camp during w/c 27th Augist
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Ischus (3), Dunamis (1), Kratos (2) Andrew Scott 20th August 2023 44.6 MB
Power & Comfort - Luke 6:48 Power - Eph 3:20 (1), Eph 6:10 (2), 2 Tim 1:7 (1), Eph 1:19-20 (1, 2 & 3) Comfort - Isaiah 66:13, 2 Cor 1:3-4
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
My God, My deliverer, In whom I trust Andrew Scott 23rd July 2023 46.03 MB
Psalm 40 v 1-5 Deliverer 1 - Verse 1, also Ps 27:14, 130:5 - waiting in faith, hope, confident expectation. Deliverer 2 - Verse 2 - David - Saul's pursuing, Absalom's rebellion, Enemy attacks, Illness or injury, God's disciplining, Depression, despondency, loneliness. Deliverer 3 - verse 3 - also ps 98:1, 33:1,3,4 What is your new song? How should we sing? Trust in 1 - verse 4 - also Jer 17:5,7 James 4:6b What garners our attention? The word or the father. Avoid those full of themselves. Trust 2 - verse 5 - also Isaiah 55:7, Jer 29:11 He is beyond comparison, Trust his works always, they are always for mankind's good.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Humility & Servanthood - Philippians 2 v 5-11 Andrew Scott 14th June 2023 47.74 MB
Mark 10:42,45 -cultural backdrop Verse 5 - Romans 8>5 Verses 7 & 8 - Galatians 3:13 Verses 9 -11 - Romans 14:9, Isaiah 45:23 Micah 6:8
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Essence of Christ in Lamentations Andrew Scott 4th June 2023 47.54 MB
Lamentations 3 verses 22 & 23. v22 - Heb 13:5, Micah 7:19, Zeph 3:17, John 3:16-17. v22/23 - His compassion never fails, they are new every morning. Ps 78:38, 130:7 v23 - 'Great is your faithfulness' Deut 7:9, Ps 36:5, 1Cor 1:9, 1Peter 4:19 Faithful till the end.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Pentecost Andrew Scott 31st May 2023 45.42 MB
Acts 2 v 1-4
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Praise Him! Praise Him! Andrew Scott 7th May 2023 43.58 MB
Psalm 103 verses 1 - 5 David's strengths - Relationship with God, Received from God, Faith in action, Equipped for battle. Weaknesses - Women, Human, Great passion Verse 1 - Psalm 68 v 4, Exodus 6 v 2-8 (I am the Lord), Excodus 20 v 7 Verse 2 - Benefits (Gamut) - Reward, Recompense, - Undeserved blessing given by God, Grace & Mercy. Verses 2-5 :- David's list of graciously gived gifts of God - Forgiveness, Healing, Redemption, Love, Compassion, Satisfaction, Physical & Spiritual renewal. 2 Cor 4 v 16-18 Eph 1 v 3
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Lechem (Jewish for bread/food) & Artos (Greek for bread) Andrew Scott 2nd April 2023 46.31 MB
Crumbs man, do you have enough bread; did you earn a crust by using your loaf rather than loafing around. LECHEM Gen 3 v17-19, Ruth 1 v 1-6, 2 v14, Deut 8 v 2-3, Psalm 84 V 11, Ruth 4 v 18-22, Matt 1 v 5 & 16, John 1 v 16-17. ARTOS John 6 v 5-6 & 10-11, Rom 10 v 12, Luke 1 v 37, Philipians 4 v 19, John 6 v 47-51, John 1 v 1-4, John 8 v 51
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Time to Reflect and Pray Andrew Scott 5th March 2023 48.42 MB
Refection on Zechariah 1 v 1-6 (words of timely caution). 2 Chronicles 36v15-21, Isaiah 57v15-15, Nehemiah 1v8-9, Jeremiah 3v12-13, Joel 2v12-13 (conditional blessing) Isaiah 45v22, Jeremiah 18v11, Ezekiel 33v11 (repent) Acts 3v19-21, Luke 13v1-3, Luke 15v10
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
HOPE Andrew Scott 26th February 2023 48 MB
Totally submerged in Gods living hope - Romans 15 v13 Romans 15 v4, Eph 4 v4. Psalm 39 v6-7, Job 11 v 16-19 Romans 14 v 17, John 14 v27, John 15 v 10-11 Romans 1 v 3-4, Romans 8 v10-11 2 Cor 9 v 8-11, Eph 3 v20-21 Romans 5 v 1-5, Heb 6 v18b - 20, 1 Tim 6 v 17
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Journeying with Jesus - How do we know we are on a helpful path ? a Andrew Scott 15th January 2023 47.64 MB
Recap of Isaiah 35 v 8, John 14 v 2 - 6 Highway to Holiness - 1 Thes 3 v 11-13 (Purity), 1 Peter 2 v 9 (Goodness), Eph 3 v 16-18 (Power), Ps 1v 6 Have we taken a wrong turning? How might we know Prov 4 v14-17, Jer 8 v 5-6, Prov 1 v10, 15-19, Prov 14 v 2 Signs that we are on the right path - Psalm 139 v 24, Prov 4 v 25-27, Prov 13 v 18, Ps 119 v 9
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